Winning Entries
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"Accomplished" 2016 National Student Poetry Contest
(Original Submission Deadline of April 30, 2016) - Winners Announced September 30, 2016.
Click here to read the poems by the Division Winners (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place)
Division I
(grades 3-5)
Division Winner - Gabriella Wang
2nd Place - Isabel Yates
3rd Place - Grace Davis
Division II
(grades 6-7)
Division Winner - Jamie Muskopf
2nd Place - Shaelyn Mahoney
3rd Place - Kenydi Young
Division III
(grades 8-9)
Division Winner - Yupu Cai
2nd Place - Ella Kirschner
3rd Place - Emily Kratz
Division IV
(grades 10-12)
Division Winner - Devany Shikiar
2nd Place - Tara Holz
3rd Place - Daniel Johnson
Editor's Choice Award and Grand Prize Winner
Devany Shikiar for poem entitled "Strawberry Birthmark"
"School's Out Shopping Spree" Winner
Trinity Rankin (Entry entitled "My Best Friend")
Laptop Computer, Tablet, or iPod Touch Winner
Nicholas Cywinski (Entry entitled "Flowing Freely")
Amazon Gift Card Winners
Thomas Carr (Entry entitled "When the Clock Strikes Midnight")
Claire Qiu (Entry entitled "The Culprit Life")
Lindsay Hughes (Entry entitled "Why")
Tasha Massin (Entry entitled "True Cinderellas")
Isaac Harmening (Entry entitled "My Favorite Season")
Briley Williams (Entry entitled "People Should")
Yana Vilchynskaya (Entry entitled "We've Always Been Grown Up")
CJ Hill (Entry entitled "All Alone")
Gabriel Broadman (Entry entitled "Late-Night Studies")
Jacob Patrzykont (Entry entitled "Code")
Top Educator Award Winners
Sheila Burke of North Intermediate School in Wilmington, MA
Gary Baker of Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School in Freehold, NJ
Meghan Lucas of Emily Brittain Elementary School in Butler, PA
Sally Rost of Somerville Elementary School in Somerville, TX
Katherine Crocker of Dr. Lewis S. Libby School in Milford, ME
Nena Felton of Perquimans County Middle School in Winfall, NC
Armando Abad of Mary Immaculate Queen School in Lemoore, CA
Benita Fluker of J.Z. George High School in North Carrollton, MS
Annamaria Izzo-Barbieri of Parkway School in East Meadow, NY
Kami Aronson of Osteen Elementary School in Osteen, FL
2016 Spirit of Education Award Winner
Ernest Becker Middle School of Las Vegas, NV